Restorative Yoga + Mobility
Imagine 90 minutes all to yourself with no obligations. A dimly lit room with candle light. Class begins with 20-30 minutes of gentle mobility work to prepare the body and mind. Then get ready for yoga nap time. You will be guided through a sequence of propped poses and various different shapes where your muscles can stretch and release and your mind can be free to let go. You go home feeling grounded and refreshed, ready for a great sleep.
Restorative yoga uses blankets, bolsters, straps, and blocks to totally support the body. This allows the muscles to fully relax, the brain to quiet, and the spirit to experience peace and restoration. In this class, poses are held for longer periods of time in order to stretch and lengthen muscles and underlying connective tissue. Restorative yoga is an excellent complement to our busy lives and our more active workouts.
90 minute class appropriate for all levels.
Space limited. Pre-registration required.
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